Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pray for Country 14

Hello! How are you? Last week it was all about love now this week it is about purity. The meaning to purity is getting rid of everything that is no good for you. (my opinion) It is somewhat true but in order for that we need to not only lean on our strength but God too. He is the one who can prevent us from doing something outrageous, but if we was to do something outrageous there is always GRACE! God died for everyone not just for one person, so if anyone tells you different don't believe God love you. If you step off the road just dust yourself off and get back on it and fight harder for your soul. Let's pray now! This week we are praying for a country near the South Atlantic Ocean, Namibia! Have a blessed day or night! Source: The World Operation by Jason Mandryk

Pray for:

1. Namibia is a stable country

2. German and Finnish Lutheran ad then Anglican missionaries

3. New life in the churches

4. Spiritual Leaders

5. Major social issues loom ominously
          a. Poverty
          b. AIDS
          c. Reconciliation

6. Missions are experiencing a time of growth

7. The less-evangelized peoples.
           a. The San
           b. The peoples of the Kavango and Caprivi Strip
           c. The Himba

8.Christian  help ministries
           a. Bible translation
           b. Christian literature
           c. The Jesus film
           d. Christian radio

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pray for country 13

Hello! How are you? I feel like this week has been about love, love God, love yourself, love others no matter what they do just love them. Love is very important because, love shows how you care for that person or that you forgive that person no matter what outrageous thing they have done. So I say "Just Love" no matter what the cost is, because God first loved you. Have a blessed day or night! The  country we will be praying for this week is Macedonia! Source: World Operation by Jason Mandryk

Pray for:

1.Macedonia's ethnic composition

2. The Macedonian Orthodox Church

3. The evangelical witness is small, but growing
              c.Church planting, evangelism and mission
              d. Training and discipleship

4. The ethnic minorities are numerous
            a. Albanians
            b. The Romani population
            c. The Turkish community

5. Foreign Missions

6. Media and literature
            a. The Bible Society
            b. A Christian Cultural Centre
            c. Broadcasting
            d. The Jesus Film

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pray for Country 12

Hello! How are you? I love music but not how I love the LORD. I am listening to this album by Lauren Daigle and it is really good. ( not getting paid to say this) When I listen to music I actually hear the words because I got to know what I am putting in my mind, and when you feel and hear the words about God it is powerful and strong and just really good. I don't know if you do this or not but take time out and listen for the words in your music to actually know what you are putting in your mind. It starts with the Mind and then the Heart. The country we will be praying for this week is Laos (Lao People Democratic Republic). Have a blessed day or night! Source: The World Operation by Jason Mandryk.

Pray for:

1. Much of Laos remains unevangelized.

2. The suffering Church
          a. Perseverance  and grace
          b.Increase openness to evangelism
          c. Discipleship, teaching and biblical literacy
          d. A cross-cultural missions vision

3. The Lao Evangelical Church

4. Leaders for the churches.

5. There are many needs

6. Unreached people
          a. The Lao
          b.The Tai tribes
          c. The mountain- dwelling Hmong
          d. The northern people
          e. The many small southern tribes

7. Christian help ministries
          a. Media ministries
          b. Bible and literature distribution
          c. Bible translation
          d. GRN
          e. Christian radio, FEBC
          f. Christian media

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pray for country 11

Hello! How are you? Prayer is a powerful thing, don't forget that. Do not get too busy that you forget to get in the word daily, I have gone through this and realize without His word daily I am lost or my day is not complete. The country we will praying for is Kazakhstan, near China. Have a blessed day or night! Source: The World Operation by Jason Mandryk.

Pray for:

1. Economic boom times

2. The revival of Kazakh  identity.

3. "To be a Kazakh is to be a Muslim"

4. Russians and Ukrainians

5. Unreached minorities

6. The Christian population
         a. Training is vital
         b. Culturally helpful forms of following Jesus communally
         c. Persecution is increasing
         d. The level of unity and partnership is encouraging
         e. Kazakhstan is becoming a sending nation

7. The expatriate Christian community is very diverse

8. Christian mercy ministries

9. Christian media ministries
         a. Literature
         b. Bibles
         c. The Alpha Course
         d. The Jesus film
         e. Radio

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pray for Country 10

Hello! Good evening!, How are you? Have you ever felt like being on a mission to do something everyday and than suddenly you stop, well I have. I feel bad when I don't finish my mission too, but I have to remember everything will be alright as long as I get back on the horse and keep riding. As most people would say. Today the island we will pray for today is JAMAICA! place of peace or fun as some people think because that is an highly vacation spot. Have a blessed day or night! Source: The World Operation by Jason Mandryk.

Pray for:

1. The country finds itself in the midst of moral and social collapse.

2. Jamaican Christianity needs reformation and renewal

3. With the most evangelicals and the best-resourced churches

4. Young people

5.The less evangelized
          a. The very poor
          b. The Rastafarians

6.Christian help ministries
          a. The Bible Society
          b. Christian bookstores
          c. Christian broadcasting
          d. The Student Christian Fellowship and Scripture Union

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pray for Country 9

Good afternoon! How are you? I am doing well and blessed! My encouragement for today is don't overlook your blessings, because you never know who God will send to bless you. Try not to expect things you want but expect the unexpected. On some really good news let's pray for someone today, the country we will be praying for this week is Iceland (Republic of Iceland). Source: World Operation by Jason Mandryk

Pray for:

1. Traditional Icelandic life can be considered under threat.
2. The majority of Icelanders are Christian, but only nominally so
3. The Lutheran and the smaller, but similar, Free Churches
4. Evangelical believers are not many
5. The Bible Society
6. Christian Radio.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pray for Country 8

Good afternoon! How are you? I pray that you are doing very well without complaints. Today I have learned you never know what someone is thinking until they tell you. Your brain could be connect and not even know it. So don't just assume someone don't care about your feelings because they don't say anything, they just might be afraid to tell you. On another note for today we will be praying for Haiti this week. Have a blessed day! Source: World Operation by Jason Mandryk

Pray for:

1. The earthquake of 2010 was a disaster on my levels
           a. The rebuilding efforts will take years
           b. The human suffering was immense
           c. Haiti was a financial and social mess
2. Haiti must find release from the bondage of its past
           a. The powerful spirits underlying voodooism might be bound in the name of Jesus
           b. Haitians who call themselves Christian might experience the transforming nature
           c. This nation might enjoy stability, safety and sustained development
3. Haiti needs godly leaders
4 The spiritual outpouring of faith in God in the aftermath of the earthquake
5. Haitians overwhelmingly identify themselves as "Christians"
6 The steady growth of Protestant churches
           a. The rural poor are the most responsive
           b. Denominational fragmentation
           c. Spiritual opposition
7. Leadership training is too limited
8. Desperate physical and social needs
9. Particularly needy or strategic groups:
          a. The Mulatto elite
          b. The youth
          c. Refugees
          d. The restaveks
10. Missions plays a valuable supportive role to the national Church.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pray for Country-7

Good evening! How are you? I am doing well except for the fact when someone is angry at you it is a terrible feeling. To me angry and argue are very negative words to use, because I think it adds more flames to fire when you are not angry or argue. Since I have been on this earth I have gotten mad maybe five times but the feeling is not good. I dislike being mad at a love one when I know we can solve it by communicating. So if you are mad at someone don't sleep knowing you can do something about it because you never know when you will see them again. The country we will be praying about this week is Gabon! Have a blessed day or night! Source: World Operation by Jason Mandryk

Let's pray for:

1. Despite Gabon being wealthy in resources.
2. Spiritist beliefs and practices
3. Muslim numbers continue to grow.
4. The Catholic Church
5. The first major Protestant Denomination
6. The evangelical Church sees encouraging progress
            a. The need remains for solid, indigenous church leaders.
            b. Evangelical churches are committed to evangelizing the whole country.
            c. Prosperity teaching
            d. Missionary sending
7. Less-reached peoples:
            a. The east region
            b. The Fang
            c. The Baka/Babinga
8, Support Ministries
             a. Bible translation
             b. The Jesus film
             c. GRN
             d . Both national radio and TV
             e. Bongolo Hospital

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Pray for country-6

Good afternoon! How are you? I am doing well and grateful as always because you never know when you are going to leave this world. Yesterday I met someone who just lost their mother and was very very upset because he/she could not understand why God took him/her mother. In that moment I told him/her I would pray for him/her family and strength for them. At that moment I could feel what he/she was going through because the thought of loosing a love one is unimaginable, but I know it will happen. To prepare myself for moments like that I pray constantly for my mind to stay sane and to not doubt God plans. So again pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ and the lost because we need to keep our spiritual family strong. On another note the country/island we will be praying for this week is Faeroa Islands. Have a blessed day! Source: World Operations by Jason Mandryk

Let's pray for:

1. Wisdom in government is needed
2. The Faeroese need revival
3. Evangelicals are many
4. Christian resources are plentiful

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pray for Country-5

Hello! How are you? How may I help you? Questions a sales associate ask a customer in order to help them find what they are looking for. I just thought about how we should start asking our brothers and sisters in Christ these questions. If we start doing this we will be able to build our sisters and brothers up so we all can stand strong against the evil in this world. Food for thought I thought I should share. The country we will be praying for this week is Ecuador. Have a blessed day!
Source: Operation World by Jason Mandryk

Let's pray for:

1. The country's greatest need may be stable government.
2. The Catholic Church
3. Evangelical numbers are large enough to significantly impact society.
        a. Vision and growth to continue.
        b. Unity withing the great variety of churches.
        c. Cultural sensitivity and integration of Quichua and Lowland Indians.
        d. Improved availability and quality of pastoral training.
        e. Effective and appropriate ministry to children and young people.
 4. False teachings seemingly prosper
 5. Pioneer work among the small jungle tribes
        a. The maturing of the jungle churches
        b. The efforts by Amerindian believers to preserve their lands
        c. Relationships with the outside world
 6. Bible translation and distribution
 7. Missions vision is young but growing.
 8. Missions
 9. The less-evangelized:
        a. The slum-dwellers of Quito and Guayaquil
        b. The upper and middle class
        c. University and school students
        d. The Afro-Ecuadorian people
        e. The 28,000 people living on the distant and barren Galapagos Islands
        d. Loja province
 10. Christian Media
        a. Radio
        b. TV
        c. The Jesus film

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pray for Country- 4

Good afternoon everyone, I am really blessed because I have my health and family and friends that love me. If you have ever watched Ghost Whisper it really put things in perceptive. A couple weeks ago I was in New York celebrating my birthday and I was so happy and fascinated by the different cities I went into. The culture up there is so fast and never ending, it is so worth to try it a least once. It give life a whole new meaning if you grew up in a slower pace city. So after all of that thank God everyday, all day , and etc. The country to pray for this week is Denmark! Have a blessed day! Source: Operation World by Jason Mandryk

Let's pray for:

1. Denmark retains a core of Christian traditions and values.

2. Much of the Lutheran Church

3. Old non-missionary theologies are devastating for the Church

4. There is a shortfall of pastors

5. Quest for spirituality

6. The notion of overseas missions is changing

7. Immigrants to Denmark
       a.Christian Immigrants
       b. Evangelized Immigrants
       c.Islamic Relations

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Pray for Country-3

Good afternoon everyone, I pray that everyone day has been going well and blessed. I thank God for waking me up this morning and putting a roof over my head. I am thankful for the finance He provide for me to get by. I am saying all these things to say be grateful for what you have and not what you don't have, because you could have nothing like some of the countries we are praying for. Just something to think about, okay lets pray, the country we are praying for this week is Cambodia. They have been through a lot so let's take a moment out of our day this week to pray for them. Have a blessed day!! Source: Operation World by Jason Mandryk

Let's for:

1. The scars of the terrible genocide of 1975-79 remain evident
        a. Justice to be seen
        b. Healing for the deep psychological wounds
        c. A government that seeks the good of all

2. Spiritual darkness persists in Cambodia
        a. Land grabbing
        b. Children at risk
               i. Child labourers
               ii. Sex trade victims
               iii. Homeless children and orphans
        c. Drug trafficking and abuse

3. The Cambodian Church has survived
       a. Continued freedom of religion
       b. Freedom and deliverance
       c. Children and young people
       d Future growth and vision

4. Mature leadership for the churches
      a. The Bible schools
      b. Existing pastors
      c. Unity

5. Foreign Christian workers

6. Christian ministry to physical needs
      a. The social needs are enormous
              i. The dozens of Christian
              ii. Effective cooperation among Christian agencies
      b. The complex issues of poverty, foreign aid and dependency

7. Pray for the less-reached
      a. The Buddhist majority
      b. The Cham, almost entirely Muslim
      c. The tribal peoples
      d. The six Chinese language groups

8. Christian ministries
      a. Literature
      b. Fount of Wisdom
      c. The Jesus film

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pray for Country-

Good afternoon today we will be praying for an Caribbean island, can you guess? Bahamas! Can you believe it! I can because no matter how beautiful something or someone is, it needs prayer because you never know what will happen today or tomorrow. (Source) "Operation World", by Jason Mandryk.

Let's pray for:

1. Materialism

2. Christian commitment is low

3. The younger generation

4. There is a growing Haitian Diaspora

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Hebrews 21:1

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pray for country

This is the day we start the kick off for praying for another country. We need to get in the practice for praying for our sisters and brothers nation wide (meaning me too). Each week I will post a different country, state, or continent to pray for. The first country we will pray for is Afghanistan. I get my resources from a book call "Operation World", by Jason Mandryk. The information is below so take a look and take a moment to pray. Have a blessed day or night.

Let's pray for:

1. The present political situation
2. The upheaval of the 30 years
         a. Continued threat of violence
         b. Health risks
         c. The disabled
         d. Poverty and living standards
         e. Drugs
3. Recovery and rebuilding
        a. Billions of dollars in foreign aid
        b. a new generation of Afghans with a different attitude
        c. National security
        d. Physical infrastructure
        e. Human development
        f. Christian involvement
4. Afghanistan is on the least reached countries in the world
5, The church in Afghanistan
       a. Afghan believers
       b. Afghans being reached by the gospel
       c. Safety and perseverance for believers
6. The status of women
7. The need for the Scriptures
8. Media
       a. Radio
       b. The Jesus film
       c. Video resources
       d.Christian websites
       e. TV

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Prayer Request

As I was changing my room around thoughts came to me about praying for other countries. I use to do this as a group but as our group stop meeting we didn't get to pray for other countries together.  I am not saying that they might not be praying for other countries on their own it is we are not praying together. So starting next week I will give you a country to pray for because we all need prayer. Just take out a little time of you day to pray for someone, it will be worth it. Have a blessed day or night.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Spiritual Workout

What is Spiritual Workout?  
-Getting in the word
-Bible Study
-TAWG (Time Along With God)
Spiritual workout can be anything or anyway you want it to be as long as you are feeding yourself spiritual food. And the most important thing to do is pray. Prayer is a strong key factor to connect with God, telling Him how you feel or what's wrong with you. Connecting with God this way will open your heart to Him more so you can bond with Him and become as one. Having that relationship with Him will shine a light on your life, so try it I dare you. 

27 You will make your prayer to him, and he will hear you, and you will pay your vows. 
28 You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.  - Job 22:27-28

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Contamination Spirit

Contamination? When I started to write this post for some reason I could not put words together to talk about it.  In that moment my spirit was contaminate by something that was going on with me at that time.  We all have this moment, if we recognize it because at times our spirit can be contaminated for so long that we don't even know until something or someone happen in your life. When I think about comtamination I think about something that is stain. Contamination is a harsh word meaning impure. So when I hear "contaminating the spirit" I think about my spirit being unorganize, grieving, lost and all the things that mean unsatisfied. And with that it bring on angry, fear, worrying, depressed, and so many other emotions. We contaminate our spirit everyday without knowing it. We contaminate our spirit with work, friends, hobbies, and passionate desires. The way we contaminate our spirit with these problems is by putting them before God (Jesus Christ our Savior). I am not saying you have to be perfect, but it a must to fight that contamination of the spirit everyday by praying, getting in the word, getting a accountablity partner to keep you on track. And remember God loves you

"Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!" Psalm 32:11

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Friday, May 15, 2015


Have you ever had someone call you weak? Well I know I have, maybe not to my face but I am sure someone has called me weak before. Back then I would have been really upset if someone called me that, but now I accept it. I accept it because I am weak, my flesh is weak but I do know with God strength and power I am strong. So remember we are weak but with God we are strong. You have to step out of that worldly mind and step into that spiritual mind to understand that. We are weak but with Him we are strong!! Have a blessed day or night!

And Asa cried to the LORD his God, "O LORD, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this multitude. O LORD, you are our God; let not man prevail against you." - 2 Chronicles 14:11

He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy.  - Psalm 72:13

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I Surrender

My life began when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ.  It might sound crazy but it is not. Before Christ I didn't care about too many things that went on in my life. I don't even think I knew my purpose in life was exactly.  I love fashion, but I wasn't too dedicated like I should have been.  Growing up I went to church every Sunday except for the times when my siblings and I was living with our brother.  I wanted to get in the word but my heart wasn't in it the whole time.

I started college and God was still on the back burner, but I went to church every Sunday.  In my head going to church every Sunday was good enough, but about a year later my sophomore year in college I found out it wasn't enough. I have been partying and just having fun without no regrets. Then it hit me! I was in church Sunday morning like always but this time I wanted to change. I prayed to God to change my heart and give me the ears to hear His word.

After that prayer God showed up and showed out as always and brought so many people in my life.  Not only was they believers but young too so I was able to relate to them.  I remember and will always remember the moment I met my dear friend and sister in Christ.  It was a late night in the dorm I was staying in and she came out of some room with another person which became my sister in Christ also.  I don't know exactly what room but I do remember the table we was sitting at in the hallway and talking all night about family and maybe even things we experience in life. I think at that moment God bonded us to be sisters. She hosted a Bible study and I went to every meeting no matter how early it was. I am not bragging but I was there even if I was drowsy. And let me tell you boy was their were times I could not keep my eyes open, eventually I said you know what devil I am not about to let you ruin my time on listening to the word, so I fought hard all the time trying to listen and understand the word.

To this day I am still fighting, because the fight is not over until you are dead. Surrendering your life want be easy but it is worth it, and I don't have regrets but praises for my Father Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed day or night!

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I remember when I was thirsty, not the I need water thirst, or I need a man thirst, but the thirst for Jesus Christ.  It was that spiritual thirst. The first time I was not blind anymore and I could see, I could see the true meaning of Jesus Christ.  I understood why He died on the cross for me and the world.  I read those scriptures out of the Bible and I was hooked and wanted more and more each day like water.  Every time I read His word I felt hydrated to keep running the race and not give up.  Things in my life was more clear to me like water. I understood to let go grudge and to love no matter what.

I also learned that my thirst didn't stopped there it kept growing and growing and with that growth I was happier and my heart desired and still desire to this day to share His word with everyone that was and is willing to hear.  Along with thirst came more ways for me to fight worldly thoughts with His help.

So remember when you get thirsty it's not water you are seeking it is the word, God word.

Disclaimer,,, I don't know all the answers, but I do know some that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search, Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

All that Make-up/Dress up

Do you remember when you was younger and you played dressed up? I have been told by people when they was younger they also played mom and dad. I do remember those times, my sisters, brother and I would play teachers and put shirts on our head pretending it was our hair (my sisters and I not brother). LOL, I know crazy but we were kids with big imagination. I bring this up because it has come to me that too many people are worrying about how they look on the outside instead of the inside. Why? Why? Are we so blind by society worldly things that we forget to think about our soul. The soul that God breathe into our body and to walk this world with free will. Free to do anything we want, free to worship anybody or anything (right or wrong). We still choose wrong every time if it is not Jesus because we want to make the thing we worship our idol. 

The man that gave us life, gave us a choice and most of us still choose to dress the outside with nice haircuts, jewelry, makeup, Cologne, perfume, fancy clothes and shoes. Why worry about those things when you leave this Earth, you want have it. Stop putting on that mask to cover up your unsaved soul. We need to worry about the core of your body, Jesus want your heart. Give Him you heart. 

"Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children-

Disclaimer...... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ocean Love

We all want that type of love that just swallow you up, falling without thinking.  We are born with that type of mind set because God created us that way, we are love by the one and only God. We wonder the world trying to find that one true love not knowing their is someone that loves me and His name is JESUS!! When you are caught up in this world it gets dangerous because you see something you want you will stop at nothing to get it, like a crush, money, material things, and etc.  Do you ever stop and think will this make me happy? Why can't we have the same spirit about loving God?  What is wrong having a relationship with Him, embracing His love which is deeper than anything in this world. That is how He loves us, the way it should be. You should want that, because He created you.

"The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Numbers 14:18)

Disclaimer... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


It was July 7, 1990 the year I was born and in my opinion the best year.  The reason I say that because more educational shows and great music that was worth watching and listening too.  It was also the year God gave me life to two parents that weren't married. I became the fourth child my mother had after six years apart from my sister. The year I opened my eyes to strange people without knowing I was born a sinner and how tough my journey would turn out to be. After all of that, I am proud God chose that year for me to be born to two parents that was not married. I have a story along with everyone in the world to tell, but I will not be afraid to tell it.  He gave me a mouth to spread His word and I will stand out and step up to the plate until He says "Well Done".  I thank God for everything because 1990 is the year another child of God was born.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 English Standard Version)

Disclaimer... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him. He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Single and Proud

I have been single for about three years and loving it.  The years have really flown by since the last time I was in a relationship.  The last relationship I was in was painful because I thought it was love but it really wasn't, it was lust.  I don't regret not going through that relationship to get closer to God.  You win some and you lose some, and God won my heart.  I saw the light, I am so blessed God kept the men away.  I got to mature and know myself a whole lot better than when I was putting guys the head of my life instead of God. 

I was never that type of person that had men on my radar.  I had more important things to do in life like, get good grades in school, family, and making my life better than what it was.  When I was younger I made a promise to myself to not to guy until I was 18 years old, and it was easy than because I didn't have guys coming up to me asking me out or looking at me no kind of way.  I felt like the ugly duckling and it felt okay at times because it was one thing I had to worry about.

When I turned 16 years old things changed, I had boys looking at me and it was cool but I didn't have a big head about it.  I still didn't let them get my heart because I was young and didn't have one to give at the time.  At this time I got my first boyfriend too and it was cool, but I didn't think too much into it because again I was young and other important things were on my mind.

Fast forwarding to college life, in my mind I was really running game when I would have a list of guys that wanted to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to them.  It would never get far beside flirting which was wrong because I was leading them on.  The bad part would come when I found someone I wanted to be with and I would shovel all the others guys out the door without and excuse.  I just got ugly so they wouldn't talk to me, I had to do something so they wouldn't be interest into me anymore. ( I am not a saint, I am human and I have learned from them)

When it all broils down I have learned my lesson about relationships and will wait patiently on the next man that will be my husband God will put in my life.  For now I am proud to be single and not ashamed or upset that I might not have a husband.  If it never happens I pray for peace and kind from my heart to others with the gift of marriage.  I would rather serve The Lord any day than man anyway.

P.S. This was a time when I was single and encourage anyone to take a break from the opposite sex so you can focus on your relationship with Jesus Christ.  After years of waiting patiently God did put someone in my life and I am blessed he is in it.

"You shall love The Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all you might" (Deuteromy 6:5)

Disclaimer,,, I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS! Read about Him, search Him.  He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Swollen Heart

This could be a tear jerker for you because it is to me every time I read it. So let's get to it!

I have been through many things I thought my heart couldn't handle. I would always be surprised when another problem would come  and I would have to handle or my heart would. Growing up I was teased, picked on and called other names beside the one my mother gave me. Now that I am older I am always wondering why the devil didn't just put me out of my misery. My heart couldn't handle the pain I was enduring at school from the people that bully me. The crazy thing about that is I love going to school.  Times was really hard for me because my family was changing, couldn't afford the things I needed let along the things I wanted. I was in the house full of siblings and sometimes one parent bringing in the money was not good for the family because we had money going out faster than coming in. My heart handle that time of disappointment. I was anxious to leave home, curious to walk away and change my name or go to another family. It felt draining with the things that was going on around me but I kept smiling and moving forward.  I cried almost all the time.  Since I didn't do what most kids did back then, God gave me something, a gift! Reading, writing poetry, sewing and being adventurous was my outlet to get my mind on what was going on around me in life at the time.  Don't get it twisted even though times was hard, there were also great times of my life like playing with friends, climbing trees, getting chicken pox (no school lol) , playing teacher, dress-up, and bonding with family.  My heart went through different phases of my life as I got older, but the past had swollen my heart so bad I stop thinking about others unless they was really close.  I played the role of an tough girl who took no crap from others, because I was picked on for so long, I had anger in my heart.  It was a stone where my heart should have been and I didn't care.  My heart was filled with grudge.

I had gotten to college still felt the same way but I wanted to change. It took me awhile but I finally laid my life down for Jesus Christ. He cleanse my heart of that grudge I had, and un-forgiveness. He put love, sweet, caring, forgiving, and grateful into this soft heart that was hard as a rock.  He touched my heart and gave me new life to start over and be free: free from my swollen heart.

Is your heart swollen? Pray and let God in to soften the pressure.

"You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but 'you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:17-18 ESV)

Disclaimer... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him.  He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I feel like I talk about this all the time, you know what I do talk about this all the time.  This is a subject that can't go undiscussed.  Our mouth is so foul we don't even know how foul it is until you are force to stop saying hurtful words or words in general that you should not be saying.  It becomes a problem when we speak and open our mouth and say things without thinking ( I do this a lot).  In the Bible it explains how we should not have pure and un-pure words come out of our mouth.  That is hard when we are always talking...talking about others, talking about yourself (worst enemy), talking down to others and using inappropriate language.  WORDS KILL!!  I saw a music video a while back about words that come out of your mouth that is not worth saying.  The music artist used bullets as a metaphor for the hurtful words that was coming out of the actor and actress mouth.  I don't know about you but getting hit by a bullet got to be painful ( using imagination never been hit by a bullet and pray to God that it doesn't happen).  I know I have a problem with my mouth and I am working on it day by day with The Lord strength.  It is hard because things just slip out of your mouth when you don't mean it.  In the future I will start a thirty day fast or silence and just write out what I want to say.  You should try it too, TRANSFORMATION TIME!!

I said, "I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, so long as the wicked are in my presence," Psalm 39:1( English Standard Version)

Disclaimer... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS! Read about Him, search Him.  He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sin Process

Have you ever thought about the process of sinning?  You know actually going back and forth with yourself saying should I do this or not.  Well, I have many times but I am only human that make mistakes so no judging.  I have actually thought about the sin I wanted to do and follow through, because my flesh is so weak knowing that sin will not satisfy me only God can.  Than I fall into the devil trap and commit the sin and feel so ashamed that I start telling God don't look at me I am horrible ( YOU CAN'T TELL GOD NOT TO LOOK AT YOU ).  It reminds me about "Phantom of the Opera" ( I love this movie haven't  seen it on Broadway yet but  The University of Memphis theatre department put on the play and it was awesome).  I say the Phantom of the Opera because of the mask he wore to cover up the scares on the left side of his face.

I feel at times I have a pretty side, the side I want God to see at all times knowing that He will see the scary and pretty side.  HE KNOWS EVERYTHING PEOPLE, THE GOOD AND BAD SIDE OF YOU! I try to cover it up from family and friends but I know I can't because that mask eventually get ripped off every time showing how ugly my flesh is.  The best part is I know God still loves me no matter how many sides I have or the mask I put on.  I can't hide from God and neither can you.  I pray that I continue to let my guard and my mask down so people can see the real me at all times.  I want Him to invade my space and clean it each day, second, minute, and hour.  I know it will never be fully clean because again I am human but I do also pray to be more like Jesus so God can see Him instead of my flesh.

So Do You..... Do you think about your sin process? If not start thinking it will make a difference on  your life spiritual .  Just remember you and I are born sinners but we can take steps to be more like Jesus so join me on this journey of LOVE to know more about Jesus and making better choices in our life.

"You shall love The Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your might" ( Deuteromy 6:5)

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!  Read about Him, search Him.  He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


I think is about time I get back to blogging because I am finally ready.  I ran into some problems last year and the year before that but I think I am ready to pursue my dream and goal in life again.  If you are ready join me on this new journey I have started.  I am a new person and ready to take life on as some people would say lol.  So join me on my blogging site as I write something new and interesting that has happened or I have learned.