Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pray for Country 14

Hello! How are you? Last week it was all about love now this week it is about purity. The meaning to purity is getting rid of everything that is no good for you. (my opinion) It is somewhat true but in order for that we need to not only lean on our strength but God too. He is the one who can prevent us from doing something outrageous, but if we was to do something outrageous there is always GRACE! God died for everyone not just for one person, so if anyone tells you different don't believe God love you. If you step off the road just dust yourself off and get back on it and fight harder for your soul. Let's pray now! This week we are praying for a country near the South Atlantic Ocean, Namibia! Have a blessed day or night! Source: The World Operation by Jason Mandryk

Pray for:

1. Namibia is a stable country

2. German and Finnish Lutheran ad then Anglican missionaries

3. New life in the churches

4. Spiritual Leaders

5. Major social issues loom ominously
          a. Poverty
          b. AIDS
          c. Reconciliation

6. Missions are experiencing a time of growth

7. The less-evangelized peoples.
           a. The San
           b. The peoples of the Kavango and Caprivi Strip
           c. The Himba

8.Christian  help ministries
           a. Bible translation
           b. Christian literature
           c. The Jesus film
           d. Christian radio

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