I remember when I was thirsty, not the I need water thirst, or I need a man thirst, but the thirst for Jesus Christ. It was that spiritual thirst. The first time I was not blind anymore and I could see, I could see the true meaning of Jesus Christ. I understood why He died on the cross for me and the world. I read those scriptures out of the Bible and I was hooked and wanted more and more each day like water. Every time I read His word I felt hydrated to keep running the race and not give up. Things in my life was more clear to me like water. I understood to let go grudge and to love no matter what.
I also learned that my thirst didn't stopped there it kept growing and growing and with that growth I was happier and my heart desired and still desire to this day to share His word with everyone that was and is willing to hear. Along with thirst came more ways for me to fight worldly thoughts with His help.
So remember when you get thirsty it's not water you are seeking it is the word, God word.
Disclaimer,,, I don't know all the answers, but I do know some that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search, Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.
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