Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Contamination Spirit

Contamination? When I started to write this post for some reason I could not put words together to talk about it.  In that moment my spirit was contaminate by something that was going on with me at that time.  We all have this moment, if we recognize it because at times our spirit can be contaminated for so long that we don't even know until something or someone happen in your life. When I think about comtamination I think about something that is stain. Contamination is a harsh word meaning impure. So when I hear "contaminating the spirit" I think about my spirit being unorganize, grieving, lost and all the things that mean unsatisfied. And with that it bring on angry, fear, worrying, depressed, and so many other emotions. We contaminate our spirit everyday without knowing it. We contaminate our spirit with work, friends, hobbies, and passionate desires. The way we contaminate our spirit with these problems is by putting them before God (Jesus Christ our Savior). I am not saying you have to be perfect, but it a must to fight that contamination of the spirit everyday by praying, getting in the word, getting a accountablity partner to keep you on track. And remember God loves you

"Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!" Psalm 32:11

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

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