Hello! Good evening!, How are you? Have you ever felt like being on a mission to do something everyday and than suddenly you stop, well I have. I feel bad when I don't finish my mission too, but I have to remember everything will be alright as long as I get back on the horse and keep riding. As most people would say. Today the island we will pray for today is JAMAICA! place of peace or fun as some people think because that is an highly vacation spot. Have a blessed day or night! Source: The World Operation by Jason Mandryk.
Pray for:
1. The country finds itself in the midst of moral and social collapse.
2. Jamaican Christianity needs reformation and renewal
3. With the most evangelicals and the best-resourced churches
4. Young people
5.The less evangelized
a. The very poor
b. The Rastafarians
6.Christian help ministries
a. The Bible Society
b. Christian bookstores
c. Christian broadcasting
d. The Student Christian Fellowship and Scripture Union
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