Good afternoon everyone, I pray that everyone day has been going well and blessed. I thank God for waking me up this morning and putting a roof over my head. I am thankful for the finance He provide for me to get by. I am saying all these things to say be grateful for what you have and not what you don't have, because you could have nothing like some of the countries we are praying for. Just something to think about, okay lets pray, the country we are praying for this week is Cambodia. They have been through a lot so let's take a moment out of our day this week to pray for them. Have a blessed day!! Source: Operation World by Jason Mandryk
Let's for:
1. The scars of the terrible genocide of 1975-79 remain evident
a. Justice to be seen
b. Healing for the deep psychological wounds
c. A government that seeks the good of all
2. Spiritual darkness persists in Cambodia
a. Land grabbing
b. Children at risk
i. Child labourers
ii. Sex trade victims
iii. Homeless children and orphans
c. Drug trafficking and abuse
3. The Cambodian Church has survived
a. Continued freedom of religion
b. Freedom and deliverance
c. Children and young people
d Future growth and vision
4. Mature leadership for the churches
a. The Bible schools
b. Existing pastors
c. Unity
5. Foreign Christian workers
6. Christian ministry to physical needs
a. The social needs are enormous
i. The dozens of Christian
ii. Effective cooperation among Christian agencies
b. The complex issues of poverty, foreign aid and dependency
7. Pray for the less-reached
a. The Buddhist majority
b. The Cham, almost entirely Muslim
c. The tribal peoples
d. The six Chinese language groups
8. Christian ministries
a. Literature
b. Fount of Wisdom
c. The Jesus film
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