I have been single for about three years and loving it. The years have really flown by since the last time I was in a relationship. The last relationship I was in was painful because I thought it was love but it really wasn't, it was lust. I don't regret not going through that relationship to get closer to God. You win some and you lose some, and God won my heart. I saw the light, I am so blessed God kept the men away. I got to mature and know myself a whole lot better than when I was putting guys the head of my life instead of God.
I was never that type of person that had men on my radar. I had more important things to do in life like, get good grades in school, family, and making my life better than what it was. When I was younger I made a promise to myself to not to guy until I was 18 years old, and it was easy than because I didn't have guys coming up to me asking me out or looking at me no kind of way. I felt like the ugly duckling and it felt okay at times because it was one thing I had to worry about.
When I turned 16 years old things changed, I had boys looking at me and it was cool but I didn't have a big head about it. I still didn't let them get my heart because I was young and didn't have one to give at the time. At this time I got my first boyfriend too and it was cool, but I didn't think too much into it because again I was young and other important things were on my mind.
Fast forwarding to college life, in my mind I was really running game when I would have a list of guys that wanted to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to them. It would never get far beside flirting which was wrong because I was leading them on. The bad part would come when I found someone I wanted to be with and I would shovel all the others guys out the door without and excuse. I just got ugly so they wouldn't talk to me, I had to do something so they wouldn't be interest into me anymore. ( I am not a saint, I am human and I have learned from them)
When it all broils down I have learned my lesson about relationships and will wait patiently on the next man that will be my husband God will put in my life. For now I am proud to be single and not ashamed or upset that I might not have a husband. If it never happens I pray for peace and kind from my heart to others with the gift of marriage. I would rather serve The Lord any day than man anyway.
P.S. This was a time when I was single and encourage anyone to take a break from the opposite sex so you can focus on your relationship with Jesus Christ. After years of waiting patiently God did put someone in my life and I am blessed he is in it.
"You shall love The Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all you might" (Deuteromy 6:5)
Disclaimer,,, I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS! Read about Him, search Him. He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.
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