Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sin Process

Have you ever thought about the process of sinning?  You know actually going back and forth with yourself saying should I do this or not.  Well, I have many times but I am only human that make mistakes so no judging.  I have actually thought about the sin I wanted to do and follow through, because my flesh is so weak knowing that sin will not satisfy me only God can.  Than I fall into the devil trap and commit the sin and feel so ashamed that I start telling God don't look at me I am horrible ( YOU CAN'T TELL GOD NOT TO LOOK AT YOU ).  It reminds me about "Phantom of the Opera" ( I love this movie haven't  seen it on Broadway yet but  The University of Memphis theatre department put on the play and it was awesome).  I say the Phantom of the Opera because of the mask he wore to cover up the scares on the left side of his face.

I feel at times I have a pretty side, the side I want God to see at all times knowing that He will see the scary and pretty side.  HE KNOWS EVERYTHING PEOPLE, THE GOOD AND BAD SIDE OF YOU! I try to cover it up from family and friends but I know I can't because that mask eventually get ripped off every time showing how ugly my flesh is.  The best part is I know God still loves me no matter how many sides I have or the mask I put on.  I can't hide from God and neither can you.  I pray that I continue to let my guard and my mask down so people can see the real me at all times.  I want Him to invade my space and clean it each day, second, minute, and hour.  I know it will never be fully clean because again I am human but I do also pray to be more like Jesus so God can see Him instead of my flesh.

So Do You..... Do you think about your sin process? If not start thinking it will make a difference on  your life spiritual .  Just remember you and I are born sinners but we can take steps to be more like Jesus so join me on this journey of LOVE to know more about Jesus and making better choices in our life.

"You shall love The Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your might" ( Deuteromy 6:5)

Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!  Read about Him, search Him.  He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

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