Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pray for Country-5

Hello! How are you? How may I help you? Questions a sales associate ask a customer in order to help them find what they are looking for. I just thought about how we should start asking our brothers and sisters in Christ these questions. If we start doing this we will be able to build our sisters and brothers up so we all can stand strong against the evil in this world. Food for thought I thought I should share. The country we will be praying for this week is Ecuador. Have a blessed day!
Source: Operation World by Jason Mandryk

Let's pray for:

1. The country's greatest need may be stable government.
2. The Catholic Church
3. Evangelical numbers are large enough to significantly impact society.
        a. Vision and growth to continue.
        b. Unity withing the great variety of churches.
        c. Cultural sensitivity and integration of Quichua and Lowland Indians.
        d. Improved availability and quality of pastoral training.
        e. Effective and appropriate ministry to children and young people.
 4. False teachings seemingly prosper
 5. Pioneer work among the small jungle tribes
        a. The maturing of the jungle churches
        b. The efforts by Amerindian believers to preserve their lands
        c. Relationships with the outside world
 6. Bible translation and distribution
 7. Missions vision is young but growing.
 8. Missions
 9. The less-evangelized:
        a. The slum-dwellers of Quito and Guayaquil
        b. The upper and middle class
        c. University and school students
        d. The Afro-Ecuadorian people
        e. The 28,000 people living on the distant and barren Galapagos Islands
        d. Loja province
 10. Christian Media
        a. Radio
        b. TV
        c. The Jesus film

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