Good afternoon! How are you? I am doing well and grateful as always because you never know when you are going to leave this world. Yesterday I met someone who just lost their mother and was very very upset because he/she could not understand why God took him/her mother. In that moment I told him/her I would pray for him/her family and strength for them. At that moment I could feel what he/she was going through because the thought of loosing a love one is unimaginable, but I know it will happen. To prepare myself for moments like that I pray constantly for my mind to stay sane and to not doubt God plans. So again pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ and the lost because we need to keep our spiritual family strong. On another note the country/island we will be praying for this week is Faeroa Islands. Have a blessed day! Source: World Operations by Jason Mandryk
Let's pray for:
1. Wisdom in government is needed
2. The Faeroese need revival
3. Evangelicals are many
4. Christian resources are plentiful
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