Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pray for Country- 4

Good afternoon everyone, I am really blessed because I have my health and family and friends that love me. If you have ever watched Ghost Whisper it really put things in perceptive. A couple weeks ago I was in New York celebrating my birthday and I was so happy and fascinated by the different cities I went into. The culture up there is so fast and never ending, it is so worth to try it a least once. It give life a whole new meaning if you grew up in a slower pace city. So after all of that thank God everyday, all day , and etc. The country to pray for this week is Denmark! Have a blessed day! Source: Operation World by Jason Mandryk

Let's pray for:

1. Denmark retains a core of Christian traditions and values.

2. Much of the Lutheran Church

3. Old non-missionary theologies are devastating for the Church

4. There is a shortfall of pastors

5. Quest for spirituality

6. The notion of overseas missions is changing

7. Immigrants to Denmark
       a.Christian Immigrants
       b. Evangelized Immigrants
       c.Islamic Relations

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