My life began when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. It might sound crazy but it is not. Before Christ I didn't care about too many things that went on in my life. I don't even think I knew my purpose in life was exactly. I love fashion, but I wasn't too dedicated like I should have been. Growing up I went to church every Sunday except for the times when my siblings and I was living with our brother. I wanted to get in the word but my heart wasn't in it the whole time.
I started college and God was still on the back burner, but I went to church every Sunday. In my head going to church every Sunday was good enough, but about a year later my sophomore year in college I found out it wasn't enough. I have been partying and just having fun without no regrets. Then it hit me! I was in church Sunday morning like always but this time I wanted to change. I prayed to God to change my heart and give me the ears to hear His word.
After that prayer God showed up and showed out as always and brought so many people in my life. Not only was they believers but young too so I was able to relate to them. I remember and will always remember the moment I met my dear friend and sister in Christ. It was a late night in the dorm I was staying in and she came out of some room with another person which became my sister in Christ also. I don't know exactly what room but I do remember the table we was sitting at in the hallway and talking all night about family and maybe even things we experience in life. I think at that moment God bonded us to be sisters. She hosted a Bible study and I went to every meeting no matter how early it was. I am not bragging but I was there even if I was drowsy. And let me tell you boy was their were times I could not keep my eyes open, eventually I said you know what devil I am not about to let you ruin my time on listening to the word, so I fought hard all the time trying to listen and understand the word.
To this day I am still fighting, because the fight is not over until you are dead. Surrendering your life want be easy but it is worth it, and I don't have regrets but praises for my Father Jesus Christ.
Have a blessed day or night!
Disclaimer.... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.
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