Tuesday, December 10, 2013

War Zone

What do you think when you hear war zone?  We'll I will you what I think when I hear war zone and that is pain. Pain from all different types of people democratic, republican, independent, Christians, and the unsaved. We are all fighting to be someone or somebody in this world because we feel unwanted. The sad part we are not wanted because Jesus loves us no matter how torn we are inside or outside. He died on the cross for reason and that wasn't just anything or who cares, it was a time to celebrate or to be sad because this man died for our sins in order for us to get closer to God. So when you are in pain remember Jesus blood for you. It is a war zone in the war because people are fighting for the wrong things such as house, car, money, political office, jobs, and to be recognize. If we were to fight for the right things there would be no problems in the world, but that is not how it is set up since Adam and Eve and that is okay. This gives us more reason to be grateful and to lean on God because he is our strength. I will lean on Him what about you. I will also fight for the spirtual world and live out The Great Commission. Think about it my protection is the armor of God. 

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.
14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.
16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;
17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,
18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel,
20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak." (Ephesians 6:13-20) ESV

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Why am I thankful?
God's grace
Family in Christ
Roof over my head
Car( no matter how many times it breaks down)

These are some of the things I am thankful for, why are you thankful?  Take a second or minute to think about it cause we need to in order to realize what we have and not what we don't have. Some things aren't just not meant to be. So be grateful and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Many blessings!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Who is all excited about Thanksgiving? I know I am but not because of the food of course, we'll that is second. The most important reason is this is the time we should all be grateful, thankful, and happy because God gave us a family, food, clothes on our back , shoes on our feet, and much more. I think God created Thanksgiving because He wanted to give families that special time to be grateful for family no matter how they hurt you because we are in people lives for a reason weather you like it or not. Instead of disliking that family member or friend (friends are included too as family) pray for them and hide this verse in your heart 2 Timothy 2:24 " And The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil". So while you meditate on that give thanks to God and just think about about all the things that He has done bad or good. Don't forget the bad things because we have to learn from our mistakes. Everything can't be all peaches and cream sometimes it have to be prunes and cream. You like that prunes and cream (lol). Any way the people that doesn't have some of the things I listed that is okay still give thanks to God because He deserve it. Don't just give Him thanks because he give you things, that would not make any sense because we have to learn and if we don't learn we want make it. 
Meditate on this lovely verse that God has given us so we can do our part by praising Him

Psalm 95: 1-2
"Oh come, let us sing to The Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him songs of praise".

Have a lovely night or day!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


For the last couple of weeks has been a lot on me, no you know what this whole year. Graduating from college put everything in fast track because you have to worry about grades or teachers anymore. The best comes after college (:( ), to me that symbol look like a monkey but it is a sad face lol. Why do I or why do we always do that? Think negative first, idk well we could say because the devil want to show us how much of a failure we are so we can do crazy things in order to be satisfied. Well I want to say STOP! tell the devil to get out of my face because I do know how hard life is but I have a savior that conquer all. He conquer death, who can actually say they have conquer death no one of course. God is almighty and powerful so I will stop with all the negative. I will explain it will not be easy but I give thanks to God non stop because He deserves it. God woke me up this morning, gave me two legs with feet and all ten toes, two arms with two hands and all ten fingers. That their shows how much we should thanks and that is just the beginning, the list goes on with simple but powerful things in our life. I pray that I stop being lazy and being doubtful because in order for me to have a relationship with God I got to have trust, if their is no trust their is nothing between us. He is holding up part of His bargain I just need to hold up minds without falling behind. Thank you God for the lesson you have me and my sisters in Christ going through about thanksgiving, some times we tend to forget about this about when God give us life. The world tend to forget who woke them up this morning and brought them back home safely. 

Well Good night! Many blessings
( 1 Chronicles 16:8, Oh give thanks to The Lord, call upon His name make known His deeds among the peoples!)

Saturday, October 19, 2013


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

This is the verse I thought about when I saw "Dreams" in a magazine, newspaper, tv, and everywhere on social media sites. I get the feeling that God is trying to tell me something about not giving up on my dreams but I just need to trust Him. Sometimes in our lives we hit a rough patch and figure we should do something else that would make others happy and forget about ourselves. I wonder why do we continue to do this to ourselves. Maybe because of the voices that tells us everyday we will never make it, or try something new. Well if we continue to dwell in the Lord's word all of those voices will go away and I am so blessed that God keeps me close to remind me that everyday. If you want more of Jesus just pray and He will be there. Even though He was there all along, you just had to open your eyes. Thank you and have a blessed day or night. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I went to an revival this week and it was the best thing for me because hearing is so relaxing and comforting. When I hear the word I just feel like everything is going to be okay. Do you ever feel that way? I am so thankful for my family, friends, work and people in general because I don't know what I would do if I could not encounter people on a daily basis. It would feel like 'Cast Away' but without the volleyball as a friend hopefully. I am also thankful for the people that read my blogs, thank you for the taking the time out to do just that. Just remember no matter what is going on in your like pray and ask God for direction and peace. And believe me He will do it. Have a lovely day or night. 

Monday, September 2, 2013


It is impossible for me to anything, I don't know why.  All I have to say is that God is really great and I am so thankful for everything that He has done and will do in my life.  For some reason but every time I was going through something God pulled me through which I was not surprised.  I have this book that was given to me by a friend called "Jesus Calling", it is a devotional book so everyday I read a chapter out of it everyday and every time God would be speaking to me through it.  AS always He knows how I feel and know how to me feel better no matter what.  I am always doubting myself but He is always there telling me to keep going and don't giving up.  So if you don't believe in Him you should because He is believable and worth it.  Have a lovely day or night.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Proverbs review

After finish reading Proverbs, I was blown away because of what was thought such as behavior, tongue, lifestyle, and etc.  I was so excited that I accepted the challenge to read Proverbs for 31 days.  The last day of the reading was a great read because it was about women as wives and how she should live her life as a godly woman. After I finish reading I knew that I would be reading Proverbs again because I know their is more to Proverbs than just reading it one time.  So try the challenge and read Proverbs for 31 days and see what you discover about yourself and how you can make a change.  Have a lovely day! or night depending on where you at.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Media focus

I am on almost every social network you can think of because I started interning for College Lifestyles about eight month I think don't quote me on that, by the way check that page out at www.collegelifestyles.org.  It is an online magazine that is for student that is just starting college and who is already in college.  They also have great recipes depending on the season.  Any who back to the media, well I realize watching the media is not all about what just happen all the time because it is always sad I mean there is not a day that go by when I don't hear sad news.  That why  I stop watching it years ago, but I just started this year watching the news and keeping up with what is going in the world because again I need to know what is going on as so many people has said.  I downloaded the CNN app on my phone so it can keep me updated and it is always a tragedy.  I realize today the only reason that is keeping me from deleting that app is because God has given me this open window on how to pray for America because we all need prayer.  So that is my spill let me know what you think about the media.  Have a lovely night or day depending on where you are, many blessings!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I have been given an challenge... the challenge is to read a chapter a day in the month of July.  It just started and I am already behind.  The only thing I can say I know about Proverbs is Proverb 31 woman, and that is about it.  Sad I know but I am working on it because God is the head of my life.  I am not perfect but I can try to be the best I can be.  So are you up for the challenge because I am, but starting tomorrow I will be reading chapters 1-3 so I can be caught up with everyone else.  Another thing is once we finish with reading the chapter we have to explain what we learn.  Let say pray for me that I make it through this month or the day because I don't know what will happen.  Have a lovely night or day depending on where you at.  Be Blessed!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Well the month is almost over for my taming the project, and it has been really rough because when say something on a daily basis it become your native tongue. I thought it was going to be easy but it wasn't at all, I think I was really tested some days, but I am glad I started this because everyone need to take time out and watch what they say to people because what you say affect someone life. Have a blessed day or night wherever you are!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The way of the world

This world is a very tricky place to live in, I say that because no matter what one does one fall down.  I am not complaining I am just stating the fact of how I feel and how others feel sometimes.  Side tracking yesterday I watch something disturbing " School Shooting".  I realized at that moment when I was watching videos on Youtube about a school shooting that happen over a decade ago, it really hurt my heart because what you say to people really affect them.  I know when you get angry you are ready to punch a wall or something and than that angry is held into your heart because you haven't talked it out with someone that understand you.  I have learned over the years getting angry will not solve anything, the only way in my opinion to solve a problem is to talk it out.  Our body was not made to be mad at everything, God made us so we can do His work and to be more like him.  You know what happen when you get angry, a heart attack, and other complications within our body if we don't take care of it and relax.  It is going to be okay.  This month I am doing a taming the tongue month because the words that was coming out of my mouth was not pleasing to The Lord so I am trying to change that.  I am so thankful God brought this to my attention because I want people to remember me for doing God work and my personality.  This is my fifth day and it has been really hard because you never know what you say until you have to stop and think about you say, even though we should be doing this we don't sometimes.  The scripture for today is Psalms 34:13 (Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit).  Well thank you for reading my article!  Have a blessed day or night depending on where you at in the world.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Taming the tongue

Have you ever said something that you wish you could take it back? Well we don't have time machines to undo our mistakes but we do have a will to control our mouth if we want to. Their are so many scriptures on taming the tongues but it is deadly. James 3:8 says "but no human being can take the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison." (New International version) would you have ever thought that our mouth would be the most deadly body part. Not I ! Now if I am really mad I try to be care with what I say which doesn't happen much because nothing too much gets me angry anymore now that I have found Jesus Christ my Savior. Now I do say I am not perfect but I do work on my problems and so should you. Have a blessed night or day ! Thanks for reading 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Today should be the day that you remember coming to Christ and realizing you can't live without Him. Remember the friends that God took out of your life and added more friends to help you along the way. Remember the scriptures when you first read them and realized that they was the breathe of life. He gave you those memories to let know how far you have come and not to jump back in the past but to see the wonderful He did and can do for you if you only believe. I can say memories are filled with love and blessings because of Jesus no matter how hard it was or is I am thankful. Have a blessed day!!
Hebrew 12:28-29; Psalm 119:105

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Their are so many sources out there that talks about God, but people are complaining because they don't have time to read His or should I say lazy. Don't get me wrong I was at the same mind set or sometimes every once in a while. The thing that brigs me back is prayer to know His word. Prayer is very powerful I mean power- ful. Just speak to The Lord and He will give you. The answer you need, but don't expect it to happen so quickly you have to be patience. Some of the sources I am talking about are: The Bible ( they have an app for that), Youversion, spiritual books, spark cards, and much more just look if you want an relationship with God. Don't just give up keep trying, cause we need the word and Jesus everyday. The day you don't read His word when you get in a habit of reading it everyday, you will feel like something is wrong and that is how we need to be everyday. Well check out those sources I gave you and just research for more, have a lovely blessed day.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Betrayal is a very harsh word that we experience almost everyday because we put so much into someone until they hurt us. Why do we get to that point? And Why do we betrayal other when we don't want that to happen to us? I learned a couple a weeks ago you can know someone and not really know them because leaves changes color like people change because we are learning something new everyday. We can't have the same mind thought as a child we have to grow.

Betrayal did not just happen it happen when Jesus was walking this earth, but who betrayed you say Judas. Yep one of Jesus disciples because He did not believe. The crazy part is Jesus knew the whole time what Judas was up to, He is Jesus. He know everything. He know when it was His time to be crucified and when He was going to rose again. Another thing this went on for three years, Judas never believe in Jesus for three years, it was just a face he put in to fit in but Jesus knew all along. At the last supper Jesus brought to the other disciples attention that someone will betrayal Him and one by one they said "Is it I Lord", and He said whoever dips his hand with mines in the dish is the one that will betray me. Than Judas said is it "I, Lord" and Jesus said you have spoken. The pastor that was teaching this gave us something that we never thought about and that was Judas was whispering when He said "Is it I, Lord", because if the other knew that it was him than it would have been a mess at the table. Never thought about that but I understand now. To read some more on this and for understanding look at (Matthew 26).

Have a blessed day
Again don't just take my word for it read it yourself for understanding.


I was just thinking about how the world put on a show for us everyday by lying to us, saying you will be great and you will make ton of money. The only problem with that is you have to do this and that to get to that place. We always forget to read the fine print, because we are in a hurry to make something out if ourselves that we fall for schemes that don't work. Why do we believe so much in the world when it continues to hurt us everyday. The only person that I know that want hurt is God because He loves us no matter how many times we fall. When we fall in the world they put us down and don't forgive but God does. Why is it so hard for us to believe in Him then. Well I have said what had to say. Have a lovely day and God blessed

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Striving to get to Him

Have you ever thought about what it took you to get closer to Jesus Christ? What did you stop in order for you to say Father I give I want to know you more my life is not good right now and I need you in my life. Well if you haven't got to that point well I think it is time because knowing that you think you do everything yourself is not the way to go. Have you ever tried doing something yourself but did t turn out the way you wanted, well the reason that happen because you tried to take control of the situation.
I will explain to you a couple of stories that showed the determination of people that wanted to know Jesus or just to touch His garment.

In Mark 5:25-34 explain the life of a woman that was sick and only knew that if she touched Jesus garment she will be heal, her faith in Jesus gave her just that because when she touch His garment, He turned around and saw her and said " daughter; go in peace and be healed of your disease". What I am explaining is don't give up to coming to Jesus or don't forget how your life was before you came to Jesus.

Another person that was determined to see The Lord was Zacchaeus the tax collector. Zacchaeus was a short man so he could not see Jesus when He came into town so he climbed up a tree and Jesus was looking for a place to say and you know who He stayed with, Zacchaeus the tax collector the people of the town flip out (paraphrasing) cause everyone was like he doesn't deserve your company but what they didn't know is Jesus knew something was stirring up in Zacchaeus. Jesus told him to give all the money back to the that he took the money from and he did just that and more.

That how our life should be daily giving up and let God in. Transformation time!!! To get a better understand of these stories check them out for yourself. Pick up the Bible and read it you will be amazed.

Have a lovely day!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Pre-Valantine's Day

Happy early Valentines Day! I hope everyone will enjoy that day with someone that takes your breathe away and love God creations. I also pray that God is the head of ones life. Valentine's Day is a day that we all celebrate as marry, single, or just boyfriend and girlfriend, people put so much into this day that it is crazy. When do Jesus step when it comes to this world holiday. I am sure He is not on our mind when you go over broad dressing for that special person or when you are buying chocolates for that special person. Well let me tell you the difference between the world and God truth to us about love, this is going towards the women that believe that they are not special because of what the world tells them. I heard this lesson from an godly woman yesterday at a program where men serve the woman, would you love that an godly man that serves and protect but most importantly loves God.

First she goes into the relationship journey diagram:
This seem reasonable but do we follow it, nope because we are always in a rush to start dating that we forget about being friends first so we can get to know each other more than just strangers. I will tell you the different between the world (lie) and WORD (truth).

God really doesn't care about my needs nor want me to have a GOOD TIME.

God CREATE and loves me more than I love myself and all good things come from Him. (How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to come them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. ) Psalms 139:17-18 (New. International Version)

If a guy likes me and my body looks good I can feel GOOD about myself.

God LOVES you and determines your worth. You are His treasure possession. (For you are a people holy to The Lord your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the people's on the face of the earth to be His people, his treasured possession. Deuteronomy 7:6(NIV)

If it FEELS this good, then it can't be that bad.

Your HEART is deceitful, you cannot trust it. Feelings do not always match reality. (The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?) Jeremiah 17:9 New International Version

My purpose in life is to get EDUCATED, make a lot of money, and have a hot husband who gives me lots of CUTE babies.

God's purpose is your MARRIAGE to Him: for you to know Him deeply make His greatness known and become like Him in character. ( Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. ) Matthew 7:13-14 NIV

Relationship with the right MAN will complete me.

God SATISFIES and completes you. (And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principally and power:) Colossians 2:10 NIV

1. Surrender to His pursuit
2. Spend intimate time with Him
3. Stay focused on His story.

Well I hope you have enjoyed this lesson. Have a lovely blessed night!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Have you ever been caught off guard when you read a story and it related to your life?

Well I have, every single day! I am fine with it because I know that it is a message from God. Today my message was to stop letting things use my time when it is unnecessary. I do this all the time too, guilt as charge and the sad part is I always tell myself I will get better. You know what it never gets to that point, maybe I shouldn't lie to myself like most people do everyday to make their self feel good or to make others happy. Never thought of it that way, well as our flesh begin to have a taste of something bad it chooses to continue to do (occupying your time). When will we ever stop wasting time and doing what we suppose to do? Don't you wish we had more time in the day, well we do have twelve hours, don't you think that enough. Just image walking with Jesus or being one of His followers every minute, second, and hour was used to help others or feed the hungry. Lets stop wasting our time and be more like Jesus. Pray that I stop lying to myself and be real. Have a blessed night!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pray for the world

I have been hit on the head again last night but not literally, what I mean is that my friend brought to my attention that we need to start praying for the world because we are going through tough times and we need our "body if Christ" to start praying if haven't started yet. When I say "Body if Christ" I mean Christians, followers of Christ. This world is going through a lot, and that mean for us that we need to start praying for families that are sick or going through family loss, they need our prayers and don't forget to pray for your family too. So after this being brought to my attention, I want to put in action that we start praying for a different country each week starting off with Afghanistan.
Their land is always being destroy because of bombs and war and majority of their religion is IsIam, they are not free to talk about any other religion that is not theirs. Pray for the Christians that goes over there to speak the truth.
Have a blessed day!
Let's put our best foot forward

Monday, January 14, 2013


"To learn you must love discipline". (Proverbs 12:1)

When I read this scripture it hit me really hard because these few words are so powerful. When you look at them you think this is it, but do you see the words. Discipline stuck out to me like a sore thumb because I need discipline in my life. I need discipline on eating, sleeping, getting in the word, goals and other things because I am losing control. That not a bad thing to lose control and to let God take the wheel but I need to step up too if I want to change for the better. I want to be like Jesus I say to myself because He was discipline and had self-control on everything. We should all model after Him, but we don't because the way the world has our mind twisted. Think about and have a blessed day!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


What does WWJD stand for to you? It means " WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?". I remember when I first saw this and I was like what is the meaning of this. When I was taught the meaning, I was not shock about it but it also didn't sink in for me to understand. I didn't understand it completely because I didn't know Jesus. Jesus was so far from because of the things I was going through at the time. I didn't give Him a second or first thought because I was so lost.

If you are a believer you know that "WWJD" is a powerful saying if you think about. If we all lived by this saying than we would make better decisions. When I look or hear this phase I think to myself what would Jesus do, He would not curse, fight, lie, cheat, or say things He don't mean to say. So when you see this phrase don't just bypass it stop and think about the meaning behind it. Have a blessed day.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Polyvore fan



Polyvore Mistake

Lately you have noticed other post that I have on my blog that are just pictures, well I don't know how to take them off, so enjoy the fashionable pictures also.  Have a blessed night!


Have you had a sin that was so bad to you that you wanted to get rid of it, but could not.
     When I came closer to Christ almost five years ago Whooohooo! (could not have done this without God), I was lost on the whole sinner thing.  I went to church almost everyday when I was younger but I still did not pick it up.  The reason why I didn't understand sin because to me it was another home from home, but I would rather be at church than at my real house at times.  So all those years seating at church I did not get one ounce of knowledge about God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit because I was too busy sleeping in church.

   I got baptized when I was twelve years old and didn't know why, all I know was that I ended up in a chair in front of the church asking for my name and the next thing I was being prep for baptism.  After baptism I saw how everyone looked at me like it was the best thing to do which was but I did't know, all I knew was after being baptize you could not sin anymore to my knowledge anyway.  When I was twelve I thought sin was killing someone, fighting, cursing, and etc.  The thing that I didn't know was I forgot my "mind" which sin too because of my thoughts of others when I was mad or sad and I had lots of angry thoughts because I was picked on when I was in elementary and middle school.  I always thought that I was a good girl until my second freshmen year in college and I prayed to God while I was in church because as usually I was falling asleep again in church.

My prayer:

Father please help me because I am not getting your message like I want to.

When I prayed that prayer God sent so many people in my life that it was crazy, now I fast forward and after reading a chapter out of a book my friend gave me call "God is in the small stuff for the Graduate", and I realized I really can't get rid of a sin unless I give it over to God.  I need to stop controlling cause when I do it never work out for the best.  If you are controlling your life now stop and give it over to God, it will change your life..