Wednesday, January 9, 2013


What does WWJD stand for to you? It means " WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?". I remember when I first saw this and I was like what is the meaning of this. When I was taught the meaning, I was not shock about it but it also didn't sink in for me to understand. I didn't understand it completely because I didn't know Jesus. Jesus was so far from because of the things I was going through at the time. I didn't give Him a second or first thought because I was so lost.

If you are a believer you know that "WWJD" is a powerful saying if you think about. If we all lived by this saying than we would make better decisions. When I look or hear this phase I think to myself what would Jesus do, He would not curse, fight, lie, cheat, or say things He don't mean to say. So when you see this phrase don't just bypass it stop and think about the meaning behind it. Have a blessed day.

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