Who is all excited about Thanksgiving? I know I am but not because of the food of course, we'll that is second. The most important reason is this is the time we should all be grateful, thankful, and happy because God gave us a family, food, clothes on our back , shoes on our feet, and much more. I think God created Thanksgiving because He wanted to give families that special time to be grateful for family no matter how they hurt you because we are in people lives for a reason weather you like it or not. Instead of disliking that family member or friend (friends are included too as family) pray for them and hide this verse in your heart 2 Timothy 2:24 " And The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil". So while you meditate on that give thanks to God and just think about about all the things that He has done bad or good. Don't forget the bad things because we have to learn from our mistakes. Everything can't be all peaches and cream sometimes it have to be prunes and cream. You like that prunes and cream (lol). Any way the people that doesn't have some of the things I listed that is okay still give thanks to God because He deserve it. Don't just give Him thanks because he give you things, that would not make any sense because we have to learn and if we don't learn we want make it.
Meditate on this lovely verse that God has given us so we can do our part by praising Him
Psalm 95: 1-2
"Oh come, let us sing to The Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him songs of praise".
Have a lovely night or day!!
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