Sunday, July 14, 2013

Media focus

I am on almost every social network you can think of because I started interning for College Lifestyles about eight month I think don't quote me on that, by the way check that page out at  It is an online magazine that is for student that is just starting college and who is already in college.  They also have great recipes depending on the season.  Any who back to the media, well I realize watching the media is not all about what just happen all the time because it is always sad I mean there is not a day that go by when I don't hear sad news.  That why  I stop watching it years ago, but I just started this year watching the news and keeping up with what is going in the world because again I need to know what is going on as so many people has said.  I downloaded the CNN app on my phone so it can keep me updated and it is always a tragedy.  I realize today the only reason that is keeping me from deleting that app is because God has given me this open window on how to pray for America because we all need prayer.  So that is my spill let me know what you think about the media.  Have a lovely night or day depending on where you are, many blessings!

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