Wednesday, April 29, 2015


I remember when I was thirsty, not the I need water thirst, or I need a man thirst, but the thirst for Jesus Christ.  It was that spiritual thirst. The first time I was not blind anymore and I could see, I could see the true meaning of Jesus Christ.  I understood why He died on the cross for me and the world.  I read those scriptures out of the Bible and I was hooked and wanted more and more each day like water.  Every time I read His word I felt hydrated to keep running the race and not give up.  Things in my life was more clear to me like water. I understood to let go grudge and to love no matter what.

I also learned that my thirst didn't stopped there it kept growing and growing and with that growth I was happier and my heart desired and still desire to this day to share His word with everyone that was and is willing to hear.  Along with thirst came more ways for me to fight worldly thoughts with His help.

So remember when you get thirsty it's not water you are seeking it is the word, God word.

Disclaimer,,, I don't know all the answers, but I do know some that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search, Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

All that Make-up/Dress up

Do you remember when you was younger and you played dressed up? I have been told by people when they was younger they also played mom and dad. I do remember those times, my sisters, brother and I would play teachers and put shirts on our head pretending it was our hair (my sisters and I not brother). LOL, I know crazy but we were kids with big imagination. I bring this up because it has come to me that too many people are worrying about how they look on the outside instead of the inside. Why? Why? Are we so blind by society worldly things that we forget to think about our soul. The soul that God breathe into our body and to walk this world with free will. Free to do anything we want, free to worship anybody or anything (right or wrong). We still choose wrong every time if it is not Jesus because we want to make the thing we worship our idol. 

The man that gave us life, gave us a choice and most of us still choose to dress the outside with nice haircuts, jewelry, makeup, Cologne, perfume, fancy clothes and shoes. Why worry about those things when you leave this Earth, you want have it. Stop putting on that mask to cover up your unsaved soul. We need to worry about the core of your body, Jesus want your heart. Give Him you heart. 

"Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children-

Disclaimer...... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ocean Love

We all want that type of love that just swallow you up, falling without thinking.  We are born with that type of mind set because God created us that way, we are love by the one and only God. We wonder the world trying to find that one true love not knowing their is someone that loves me and His name is JESUS!! When you are caught up in this world it gets dangerous because you see something you want you will stop at nothing to get it, like a crush, money, material things, and etc.  Do you ever stop and think will this make me happy? Why can't we have the same spirit about loving God?  What is wrong having a relationship with Him, embracing His love which is deeper than anything in this world. That is how He loves us, the way it should be. You should want that, because He created you.

"The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Numbers 14:18)

Disclaimer... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him, He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


It was July 7, 1990 the year I was born and in my opinion the best year.  The reason I say that because more educational shows and great music that was worth watching and listening too.  It was also the year God gave me life to two parents that weren't married. I became the fourth child my mother had after six years apart from my sister. The year I opened my eyes to strange people without knowing I was born a sinner and how tough my journey would turn out to be. After all of that, I am proud God chose that year for me to be born to two parents that was not married. I have a story along with everyone in the world to tell, but I will not be afraid to tell it.  He gave me a mouth to spread His word and I will stand out and step up to the plate until He says "Well Done".  I thank God for everything because 1990 is the year another child of God was born.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 English Standard Version)

Disclaimer... I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS!! Read about Him, search Him. He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Single and Proud

I have been single for about three years and loving it.  The years have really flown by since the last time I was in a relationship.  The last relationship I was in was painful because I thought it was love but it really wasn't, it was lust.  I don't regret not going through that relationship to get closer to God.  You win some and you lose some, and God won my heart.  I saw the light, I am so blessed God kept the men away.  I got to mature and know myself a whole lot better than when I was putting guys the head of my life instead of God. 

I was never that type of person that had men on my radar.  I had more important things to do in life like, get good grades in school, family, and making my life better than what it was.  When I was younger I made a promise to myself to not to guy until I was 18 years old, and it was easy than because I didn't have guys coming up to me asking me out or looking at me no kind of way.  I felt like the ugly duckling and it felt okay at times because it was one thing I had to worry about.

When I turned 16 years old things changed, I had boys looking at me and it was cool but I didn't have a big head about it.  I still didn't let them get my heart because I was young and didn't have one to give at the time.  At this time I got my first boyfriend too and it was cool, but I didn't think too much into it because again I was young and other important things were on my mind.

Fast forwarding to college life, in my mind I was really running game when I would have a list of guys that wanted to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to them.  It would never get far beside flirting which was wrong because I was leading them on.  The bad part would come when I found someone I wanted to be with and I would shovel all the others guys out the door without and excuse.  I just got ugly so they wouldn't talk to me, I had to do something so they wouldn't be interest into me anymore. ( I am not a saint, I am human and I have learned from them)

When it all broils down I have learned my lesson about relationships and will wait patiently on the next man that will be my husband God will put in my life.  For now I am proud to be single and not ashamed or upset that I might not have a husband.  If it never happens I pray for peace and kind from my heart to others with the gift of marriage.  I would rather serve The Lord any day than man anyway.

P.S. This was a time when I was single and encourage anyone to take a break from the opposite sex so you can focus on your relationship with Jesus Christ.  After years of waiting patiently God did put someone in my life and I am blessed he is in it.

"You shall love The Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all you might" (Deuteromy 6:5)

Disclaimer,,, I don't know all the answers, but I do know someone that does JESUS! Read about Him, search Him.  He is a cool, merciful, loving, and so much more guy so get to know Him like I do.