Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday!!

July 7th was the big day for me, you know why because it was my birthday. Omg when those days come around I just twitch my eye every time my age goes up another year. As I was meditating on my age I thought about how I am grateful to even made it another year, but another thing that popped into my head was the fact that I should think of birthdays everyday. Because we are giving another day to wake up in the morning because of God, He is the only one that can and will wake us up unless He is ready for us to come home. You can think of birthday's as the day to came to Christ, because once we do that we become a new person if you have the heart to. It is not all about baptize, it is more to that. So when you think of "Birthdays" think of the day you came to Christ. That is the best day including the fact you don't have to worry about your age (lol). Have a love day and God bless!

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