Thursday, March 28, 2013


Betrayal is a very harsh word that we experience almost everyday because we put so much into someone until they hurt us. Why do we get to that point? And Why do we betrayal other when we don't want that to happen to us? I learned a couple a weeks ago you can know someone and not really know them because leaves changes color like people change because we are learning something new everyday. We can't have the same mind thought as a child we have to grow.

Betrayal did not just happen it happen when Jesus was walking this earth, but who betrayed you say Judas. Yep one of Jesus disciples because He did not believe. The crazy part is Jesus knew the whole time what Judas was up to, He is Jesus. He know everything. He know when it was His time to be crucified and when He was going to rose again. Another thing this went on for three years, Judas never believe in Jesus for three years, it was just a face he put in to fit in but Jesus knew all along. At the last supper Jesus brought to the other disciples attention that someone will betrayal Him and one by one they said "Is it I Lord", and He said whoever dips his hand with mines in the dish is the one that will betray me. Than Judas said is it "I, Lord" and Jesus said you have spoken. The pastor that was teaching this gave us something that we never thought about and that was Judas was whispering when He said "Is it I, Lord", because if the other knew that it was him than it would have been a mess at the table. Never thought about that but I understand now. To read some more on this and for understanding look at (Matthew 26).

Have a blessed day
Again don't just take my word for it read it yourself for understanding.


I was just thinking about how the world put on a show for us everyday by lying to us, saying you will be great and you will make ton of money. The only problem with that is you have to do this and that to get to that place. We always forget to read the fine print, because we are in a hurry to make something out if ourselves that we fall for schemes that don't work. Why do we believe so much in the world when it continues to hurt us everyday. The only person that I know that want hurt is God because He loves us no matter how many times we fall. When we fall in the world they put us down and don't forgive but God does. Why is it so hard for us to believe in Him then. Well I have said what had to say. Have a lovely day and God blessed