Saturday, August 27, 2011

Me, Myself, I, and Christ

When I brought the "Smith Files" it was an mistake, but after reading one of the blog, I have found out that it was no mistake for me to make this blog, because beside talking about fashion I want to talk about myself.  I am a Christian, who was saved last year so it has been two years since I started my new life.  It has been a long long journey.  I never thought my life would turn out to be this way: like so in tune to GOD.  I love Him so much it is crazy.  I want Him to keep me pure forever and forever to keep my eyes on Him.  Before Christ I always thought as myself as a Christian, but not knowing I was like most Christians, calming to be a Christian and not doing the walk or the talk, but one day something was out of place, and it was me.  It felt like I was missing something in my life that I need, it wasnt friends, family, or nobody, because they could not feel that empty void that I had.  Once that came to my attention it was that I was missing GOD in my life.  He was not a big part of my life like I thought He was.  See being a Christian to me was just going to church, but that changed when I realized that was not the case.  A Christian is someone who believes in God with their whole heart constantly praying to GOD as a friend, father, and many other things that are relationship wise.  I was in such awe when I came to Christ, it was unbelieveable, amazing, excitement, joy, happiness, all of the words that describe God that is what I was.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So I created another blog, because I thought it would let me upload my pictures, but it didn't.  I guess I have a lot to learn about this blogging thing.  Can so help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to learn how to upload pictures.